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What are the benefits of structured networking?

Posted by on Jun 28, 2011 in blogpost, Sliderpost | 0 comments

What are the benefits of structured networking?

Draw a larger audience by adding more value to your conference.

There is a lot of value added to your event with structured networking.

  • It attracts senior decision makers. They care about their time and you need to make your event stand out as helping them grow their business. By pre-booking meetings they get value first and foremost.

Bring the value back to in-person events. The best meetings happen face-to-face.

Get happier attendees

Enable your audience to conduct business meetings with very hard-to-find people, including peers, experts and speakers. Activate and engage your audience and make them part of the event’s success.

Give the attendees the best use of their time and they will value your event for it.

Make the budget work more (and further)

Ensure your event’s success in a very cost effective way with Structured Networking. Invest in your attendees and they will come back again and again. Minimize costs that have limited or only short term impact, e.g. give-aways.

How do pre-booked-meetings work?

Posted by on Jun 28, 2011 in blogpost, Sliderpost | 0 comments

How do pre-booked-meetings work?

Structured networking allows the attendees to pre-book the meetings that they later conduct in-person at the event.

The software helps each attendee find the individuals that match expectations or needs, it then arranges a time and place for the attendees to meet at the event to conduct quick introductions.

As each attendee makes several of these brief introductions they maximize the chance that a number of them will be really useful and lead to further collaboration.

As an attendee signs up for the event he or she also completes a profile. This profile will be used by the software to match individuals to other attendees. The matching is just a help, each attendee can of course search and find people by themselves.

The key is that both individuals need to agree to the meeting for the system to confirm it.

Structured Networking draws more attendees

Posted by on Jun 28, 2011 in blogpost, Sliderpost | 0 comments

Structured Networking draws more attendees

We build on the concept of structured networking, a meeting-form where attendees pre-book meetings they then conduct at the event, making personal introductions at events more predictable and effective.